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November 19, 2004

Welcome to Weasel Trek!


It all started with an innocent trip to IKEA. We'd come for a LINNAN clothes organizer and some fluorescent light bulbs... but there they were, a pile of MINNEN scampering up and down and over in a big roiling mound of 80% acrylic, 20% polyester weasel-joy.

So then we said — hey, weasels! Weasels! Try it yourself — it's impossible to say weasels without giggling. We chose four, grabbed the rest of what we'd come for, and left.

class photo

Ten minutes later inspiration struck — these weasels were not ours alone, to be selfishly hoarded and cooped up. The weasels (weasels!) must travel the world and be shared with the masses! Horns honking, tires squealing... we turned around and headed back to IKEA to buy eleven more weasels.

Weasel Trek Is Born

The concept of Weasel Trek is simple. Each weasel is mailed to someone somewhere in the world. When the host receives it, they take the weasel sightseeing and photograph it with local landmarks and vistas. Then, it's on to the next stop — the weasel gets put back in its mailing tube and sent on to the next deserving host. We post the story and photos from each leg of the journey here at so everyone can track their favorite weasel's adventures. You can subscribe to our RSS feed and never be out of touch. If you have questions, email us at weasel at weaseltrek dot com with the word weasel in the subject line.

UPDATE: Weasel Trek's One Year Anniversary!

Update, November 2005: For Weasel Trek's first anniversary, we've assembled a collection of the best photos of 2005.

Posted by dmd at November 19, 2004 11:33 AM