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August 10, 2005

God Save the Weasel

No sooner had Kjell descended from Mount Fuji when she flew all the way to the other side of the world; here she is in London, narrowly avoiding being hit by a double-decker bus.

Kjell makes a quick call home so uses a nice red London phonebox. For some reason Londoners feel the need to paint a lot of things red.

You can't go far without finding a pub.

Kjell also went to visit Trafalgar Square, where people had gathered for a jazz concert. In the background is the National Gallery.

Weasels feel right at home in tubes.

Victoria Station, one of London's busy stations with both train and tube. It is also an amazing building. From here you can walk to most places in central London.

Kjell is accosted by some friendly bobbies.

Westminster abbey! Kjell quickly ducks away from the paparazzi.

Posted by dmd at August 10, 2005 12:43 PM