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March 15, 2006

Cosmopolitan Weasel

Here's the latest weaselly goodness, but make sure you also check out some of our best photos (including one video of a skydiving weasel!)

After more than a year living in a box and getting shipped here and there to hosts who neglected her, Halta finally was treated as she deserved — like a star! Weasel Keepers John and Lisa brought Halta to Hollywood, CA, the Sonoma Wine Country, and New York City...

Leaving the limo to check out a star on the Walk of Fame...

...and reminiscing about heart-throb Cary Grant and the days of classic cinema.

Halta and weasel-keeper Lisa at Grauman's Chinese Theatre

Sneaking around with Charlie Chaplin. And no one sneaks better than a weasel!

On Mulholland Drive... the Hollywood sign is just visible. (Check out the full view to see it clearly.)

"These aren't the weasels you're looking for. You can go about your business." Whew!

On the way to the Sonoma vineyards, a photo-op at the Golden Gate Bridge on a typical foggy day. Sister-weasel Leende has also been spotted with the bridge.

Finally checking the grapes in Sonoma County...

... and relaxing with her Sonoma bounty.

Now, on to New York City! It's cold and rainy here in Times Square...

...but the Christmas decorations at Macy's light up the night.

New York skyline from the South Street Seaport.

Now entering the subway with weasel-keeper Lisa. Is that Weasel St Station??

Back home after a Broadway show

Back in California, Halta visits the Rose Bowl.

See the rest of the photos …

Posted by dmd at March 15, 2006 9:37 AM


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