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June 7, 2006

Israeli Kalle

Kalle went all the way to Israel and visited the Galilee.

She got some nice views, but unfortunately didn't return with many photos...

Posted by dmd at 11:21 AM

June 6, 2006

Leka waves hello

Leka sends us greetings from a ferry to Victoria, BC...

... where she was briefly spotted in front of the lit-up legislature building.

Posted by dmd at 8:51 PM

Shriner Freja

Freja put on her best Shriner's fez and went for a look-see about Sioux City, Iowa.

The Sgt. Charles Floyd monument is dedicated to Lewis & Clark expedition member Chaz. Floyd, who had the unfortunate luck to die along the route to the Pacific Ocean. It's twice as unlucky that he croaked around here, but that's another story.

The War Eagle status is on the West side of town, overlooking the corner where Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota meet.

Posted by dmd at 8:37 PM