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July 27, 2005
A Weaselly Business
Weasel Wardancer, a Weaseltrek fan, wrote to us to let us know that his weasel Rodney discovered our site. It's always good to hear from the IKEA cousins... |
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In more sobering news, we thought we'd share with everyone the current known state of all the weasels:
- Anka: with a friend of ours, but accidentally put in storage for the summer.
- Annika: with us!
- Enfald: Lost. Never returned by last keeper. last keeper has not responded to email for months.
- Freja: with Kevin of Beans around the World. We still have more photos to post!
- Halta: is now back with us at long last. No photos.
- Kalle: just arrived back from Ireland. In my hands.
- Kanin: in Washington, DC, accounted for. Haven't heard anything in a while, but with someone we know personally, so not lost.
- Kjell: I was notified a few days ago that Kjell is en route to Japan.
- Leende: Singapore. just arrived back from Singapore (Sept 16)! No photos, though.
- Leka: I think we're expecting some photos from the Dominican Republic later this summer.
- Linnea: Israel. Lost. Keeper confirmed receipt, but has not answered email since March.
- Magda: Australia? I'm not sure. Possibly lost. Haven't heard anything in a while. I think this one might have gotten lost in the mail on the way down under.
- Utforksa: Lost in Norway. Possibly findable, though; working on it.
- Vandra: Just returned from a tour of Europe. We have Vandra here.
- Vilse: Lost in the mail.
So there you have it - seven months, seven five lost weasels.
Posted by dmd at July 27, 2005 1:32 PM