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July 14, 2005

Weasel in the Heartland

Freja, our most well-traveled weasel, ventured across the midwest with Kevin of Beans Around the World. Here she is at the Ice Cream Capitol of the World in LeMars, Iowa. LeMars is home to Blue Bunny Ice Cream's manufacturing plants, where they make Bomb Pops, SpongeBob ice cream bars, and lots and lots of square half gallon cartons.

Freja goes to the mall! The United States' largest mall, the Mall of America (in Bloomington, Minnesota) has 400 or so stores, about 60 restaurants, a movie theater, an aquarium, an amusement park ("Camp Snoopy"), and lots and lots of parking spaces. Basically, it boils down to "if you've seen one mall, you've seen them all". But to visit once just to say that you did? It's worth it. Here's Freja acting as Linus' pro tem security blanket.

Red Wing, Minnesota: Home to Red Wing shoes - ask Grandpa; he probably owns a pair or two. It's Red Wing Shoes' 100th anniversary, so they had 100 statues of boots around town on the street corners, each one decorated differently.

Rochester, Minnesota is home to the Mayo Clinic, but Freja was feeling just fine, so she headed over to the World's Largest Ear of Corn instead, at a Libby-s canning facility.

Freja pays her respects to Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and The Big Bopper, near the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa where they played their final concert.

The Twins took on the Detroit Tigers (Twins 6, Tigers 2) at the Hubert Humphrey Metrodome, though Freja seemed to have her eye on the hot dog vendors.

See more photos …

Posted by dmd at July 14, 2005 10:31 PM