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November 1, 2005

Guest Weasel Ferret

Jeff of meep.us writes in with a guest weasel ferret, "Ike", who visited the "Pandaguy Picnic". Since here at WeaselTrek we're waiting patiently for our round-two photos to come back from people, we thought we'd get some more cousin-photos in in the meantime....

Eeek! The tiger's eating Ike! He only looks boneless!

My, what big teeth you have!

The rare and elusive Joshua Jackalope comforts Ike after being frightened by a huge were-wolf!

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh my! Yes, that's a shark's tail to the left. Are you surprised by now?

See more photos …

Posted by dmd at November 1, 2005 6:17 PM