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March 26, 2005
Extreme Weasel!

Kanin (Extremeus Weaselus Adventurus) went for a short 3 mile trip in DeLand, Florida. Although not a noteworthy distance by traveling weasel standards, this trip was in the form of a tandem skydive and the three miles was straight down at 140 mph (225 km/h). After a brief ride to altitude (15000' or 4572m) in a twin otter aircraft (after all, otters are related, aren't they?), Kanin enjoyed a spiral exit followed by about a minute of high speed freefall before safely deploying his parachute and landing. When asked if he enjoyed the ride, there was much jumping and cheering. A few squeaks followed but it's so hard to translate weasel...
Posted by dmd at 11:06 AM